Thursday, March 19, 2009

Iditawalk Finishers!

Woos & a-roos to all of yous!  Two more Team SiberMal-ers have completed their Iditawalk.
Star & Jack (that's ME!)
Her we are heading out on the last leg of our qualifying walk!
We get to join the  Finishers Roster !
Here are Team SiberMal finishers totals as of today:
Flurry   1440
Khyra   1335
Huffle   1150
Khady Lynn 1150
Star 1070
Jack 1070
We still have a few members pounding the pavement with their paws, keep up the good work & hope to see woo at the finish line!
AND THAT'S A FACT JACK!    Maple and Larry are the lead dogs on the  Mackey's team that led this pack to victory! Extra treats for those two!
Reporting for Team SiberMal,
Jack a-roo

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Another IDITAWALK Finisher!

Khongratulations to Khyra!
She & her humom have completed the Iditawalk!
A-roos to yous!
Reporting for Team SiberMal,
Jack a-roo

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Iditerod Begins!

This is it - the Iditerod begins today!!! Good luck to all the entrants, we'll be watching!
A special Congratulations to Team SiberMal's own Flurry, ho has completed the Idita-walk! Way to move those paws, Flurry! Woo are an inspiration to us all!
And speaking of inspirations, today I'm interviewing the motivational wooer, Khyra. She keeps our community up to all the latest woos on Khyra's Khorner, and is one of the founders of SiberMal.
1. How did woo find your furever family? 
My mom saw a dog on the York Khounty SPCA Web site...she stopped in to see her on August 19, 2006 and she was gone BUT I was there. The minute she saw me she knew! I looked and akhted furry much like Kyrye - she was 14 on Okhtober 28th. She has two blue eyes but our khoats and pawsonalities were furry similar. She khame bakhk to spend more time with me the next was her my Gotcha Day is akhtually her birfhday since I was a gift she gave herself! I'd like to think I am the best gift she ever did get!
2. Do woo have siblings?
My mom has four other Sibes that live with the ex...I get to see my sisters from time to time.  
3.   So Khyra, what 's your favorite : food? toy? place to sleep? 
I pretty much like evfurry food!   I love my Wubbas! I like to sleep khurled in a chair during the day and evenings. At night, I start on Mom's bed but head to the floor after she gets settled in!
4.  Have woo ever had encounters with small critters like sqwirrels? (and were they tasty encounters?) 
No tasty enkhounters YET! But I love to taunt the skhwirrels and khats. I khan't help but flush out the birdies that take refuge in some of the bushes by my patio!
5.   Your Walking Wednesdays have become a favorite feature on your blog!  Tell us a bit more about where you get to go walking.
I take Mom on a 1.25mile route through our neighbourhood. She would like to go further BUT she hopes I'll know where I live should I ever eskhape by keeping me used to the same 'range' On our walks, I make the turns...she doesn't have to say a thing!
6. Do woo like going to the v-e-t? 
I've only been there twice but so far YES! I get to dazzle them with my smile and my fluffy tail!
Oh yes, MFT, your fluffy tail dazzles us all!  It's so furry feminine!
7.  If we were all on the actual Iditerod trail, what would woo like to see in Alaska? 
Snow of khourse! It would also be nice to see some other khanines so we khould play!
8. Do woo get to go for car rides? planes, trains, boats or buses? 
Just for rides in my Xterra!
9. What's the best part about being a sibe? 
Being furry loved and adored!
10. Tell us something else interesting about yourself. 
I've helped to spread the lost language of Khyraese! It seems to be khatching on slowly! Any hard 'c' sound bekhomes a KH and any 'q' bekhomes a KHW! It is akhtually khwite easy to utilize on a daily basis. My mom has to guard against using it when she writes to those that aren't aware of its existence!  She really has amazed me with how well she's khaught onto it!
I've been prakhticing Khyraese, and getting better at it all the time.  One day I hope to earn one of those "I speak Khyraese" logos on my blog too!
Well, thank woo for taking time from your busy schedule to answer a few questions.  Your fan base is growing rapidly, so I'm sure lots of doggers out there learned a little more about woo.  
10 AM Alaska time...  68 teams will set out to run the historic race from Anchorage to Nome!!!    
Reporting for Team SiberMal,
Jack a-roo