Woos & a-roos! As promised, here's my interview with Steve, half the duo of the Washington woos!
1. How did woo find your furever family?My mom saw me listed on a website. She thought I looked just like the puppy of my dad's dreams. Since my bio-family lived close to Mom and Dad, they came over to see me and decided to take me home.
2. Do woo have siblings?
Steve: Yes, I have my bossy sister, Kat. I do like her a lot and prefer to be in the same room with her at all times, although if she goes outside, I don't always want to go. I do like being inside. I also have my feline brother, wilbur. I don't really play with him, but I do enjoy barking at him and sometimes he leaves his food and I have to steal his bowl off the counter. He only has one bowl left because I've broken the others by pulling them off the counter.
3. What's your favorite food? favorite toy? favorite place to nap?
My favorite food is pretty much anything. I recently discovered turkey ham and i really like it. My favorite toy is my beaver. I take him everywhere I go except outside because Mom doesn't think he should get dirty. My favorite place to sleep is in the hallway, in front of the closet door. It's a nice corner where can sleep upside down.
Well Steve, I think we have a lot in common. I like everything, love to sleep in the hallway upside down, and love my special stuffies. Unfortunately my favorite ones have been ripped apart by sqwirrels - which is a good reason to leave your favorites inside
4. Have woo had any encounters with small critters like sqwirrels, and were they tasty encounters?
I always chase squirrels in my yard. I caught one and ate its head (too graphic for your readers?) I would have eaten the whole thing, but Mom held me down while Dad pried the squirrel out of my jaws.
Woo have your furry own clubhouse, right? Do you allow sqwirrels inside?
If they ever came in while I'm there, they wouldn't come out!
5. Where do woo like to go walking?
Mostly just around the neighborhood, but sometimes on the weekends we go hiking in the mountains or somewhere around Seattle.
6. Do woo like the v-e-t?
Yes, I have a new vet and I am in love with her. I get very jealous when she stops examining me and tries to look at Kat. She has to come back and give me attention so I don't make too much noise.
7. If we were all on the actual Iditerod Trail, what would woo like to see in Alaska?
I think I'd like to play with some moose.
8. Do woo go for car rides? Have wo riden in anything else?
I have been on lots of car rides, the longest being the ride from TX to WA when we moved. By the last day of that trip, I wouldn't get into the car and Dad had to lift me in. My favorite regular destinatin is Dairy Queen. They give me ice cream cones. I've also flown in a Cessna, piloted by my mom.
No way! Your mom can fly? And woo flew? Steve, woo are one cool dude!
9. What's the best part about being a sibe?
Always being cute. Cute can help you get away with anything.
10. Tell us something else about yourself.
I know how to open doors and cabinets. You can find all sorts of interesting things behind
closed doors, especially kitchen cabinets.
Thanks for telling us a bit about yourself, Steve. I wish we lived on the same coast - I just know woo & I would have the best time hanging out together! We could check out all the cabinets, snack on sqwirrel brains, and then nap upside down with your beaver and my pengie.
Maybe someday...
Tomorrow: An interview with Steve's furry lovely sister, Kat.

Reporting for Team SiberMal,
Jack A-roo